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I parquet Berti on TV on RealTime with the program “Ma come ti vesti?!”

Berti Parquet are also stars on TV!

In fact, the ninth season of the program is airing these weeks. But how do you dress?!, hosted by the famous couple Enzo Miccio and Carla Gozzi, airing every Tuesday night at 9:10 p.m. on Real Time with the possibility of reviewing the episodes later on DPLAY.

Throughout this season, the broadcast set will rely on the quality of Berti Wood Flooring. The INSPIRATION line of the Berti Studio Collection, model Crystal, was chosen for this prestigious assignment.

“But how do you dress?!” is a now-famous TV series that attempts to help people who need a radical makeover to their wardrobe, sometimes mercilessly eliminating anything tacky. Enzo and Carla thus give the protagonists tailor-made looks before entrusting them with the challenging task of solo shopping. At the end of the training, the participants after acquiring a new style will introduce themselves to their friends and families.

We are really happy about this new collaboration, and our invitation is to take a close look at the program, both live and on demand, to see with your own eyes the splendid rendering of our parquet floors.

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