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From Russia a delegation of architects visiting Berti

On Oct. 24, a delegation of architects from Russia visited the production facilities of Berti Pavimenti Legno.

This occasion was organized as part of a collaboration with an important partner from Moscow who has been working with us since 2008, especially on projects with BertiStudio material and inlay. Together we organized this meeting that allowed us to strengthen the synergy in order to collaborate more and more intensively and fruitfully. Therefore, it was with real pleasure that we welcomed this group of world-class professionals to accompany them to touch the different stages of woodworking, in order to fully understand the value created in Berti.

All stages of production are carried out in our factories: designing, gluing, painting, moulding, profiling, and surface treatment. The visit, in particular, lingered on the painting in the new line that boasts a length of 250 linear meters, and on the laser department to give an opportunity to appreciate the different steps and craft processes that characterize the composition of Berti inlays.

All processing steps go through state-of-the-art machinery and constantly controlled tools, for a first-rate product thanks to 40 years of experience and applied technology. One of the main guarantees Berti offers in terms of quality is the attention paid to every single stage of the production cycle.

Russian architects were particularly interested in products from the BertiStudio range in which the emotional characteristics of wood are enhanced to create new visual and material sensations in combination with finishes and colors that enhance the surfaces and grain of parquet.

We leave you with some of the shots from the day. Which ended with a dinner all together to share not only work but also relaxing moments.

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