“Design your sound”: when homeliving meets music.
Homeliving & music: what is the relationship between these elements? Those who seek comfort, aesthetics and taste when decorating their living space certainly do not overlook some important details: a soundtrack that enhances the environment and the most appropriate sound system.

Without going into too much detail about technical solutions (perhaps we will return to this topic in a later post), Berti Pavimenti has selected a few sounds, old and new, to give you a suggestion on the best soundtrack to best experience your moments of home relaxation, alone or with company, walking comfortably barefoot over your parquet floor.
Trip hop, chill wave, indietronica, lounge , and a touch of jazz: many different declinations and nuances that have in common docile and dreamy atmospheres, ten artists/bands for as many musical tracks to be enjoyed unhurriedly and relaxed.
What do you guys think? Do you also have any suggestions for a special musical homeliving?
In the meantime, we wish you relaxation and good listening!
PLAYLIST “Homeliving & Music” by Berti Floors.
(click on the title to view the video)
MASSIVE ATTACK – Radiation Ruling The Nation
PORCELAIN RAFT – Unless You Speak From Your Hearth