BertiStore: orders just a click away
Want to place an order? Open the BertiStore: it’s quick and easy. You can check availability and place an order for Berti, BertiStudio and Vepal products at any time and completely independently: orders are just a click away.
As of today, the BertiStore is revamped to follow up on the changes and new products presented in the 2012 Berti and BertiStudio 2012 price lists: you can check availability and order the neutral finishes of Antico Berti, as well as the new Vintage and Avantagarde finishes that have enriched the BertiStudio range.

The BertiStudio collection now includes a choice of all available formats: Exclusive 2 and 3 layers and Entry Level, all thanks to convenient buttons that refer to the specific dedicated area.

Also planned for Vepal is the inclusion of the new Vepal Colors decors, which we had presented a short while ago in the article:
“New product for Vepal: Premium Laminates.”
The BertiStore is constantly evolving to be ready to embrace changes and respond efficiently to our customers’ needs.

This innovative B2B e-commece tool born in January 2011 has allowed to conclude almost 4 million Euros worth of orders to date, recording more than 15,000 accesses and a total of almost 2,000 orders. The BertiStore is a tool that allows not only to place orders and conclude them in perfect autonomy: it is an indispensable service to the sale to check availability in real time. But the benefits are not only operational: for all orders placed through the BertiStore an exclusive 20% discount on shipping costs will be recognized, as well as a 10% discount for all orders of BertiStudio products.
The benefits of this service are really important: by automating the business and administrative procedures related to the sale, there are amazing results in terms of both time and cost savings and customer satisfaction.
To apply for a password as a Berti dealer, simply make a request to:
For any other information you can contact our sales department.