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Berti Flooring Wood receives Chain Of Custody Certification

What does it mean to protect the environment? In the past decade, the environmental cause has become a real issue to which the public has become attentive not only in terms of information, but more importantly to find new solutions. There is a growing awareness that environmental problems are not something abstract and placed in the distant future, but that they are issues that have a real impact on everyday life.

Berti Flooring Wood chooses to comply with strict environmental, social and economic standards by adhering to the FSC label. This mark, based on an international certification system, identifies products containing wood sourced only from properly and responsibly managed forests.

FSC certification not only oversees the management of forest resources worldwide, but also provides for the certification of companies that process the certified material through all stages of wood processing and marketing. On July 8, 2011, Berti received Chain Of Custody (CHC) certification. The company guarantees that it has a system in place that allows the history of the wood product it processes to be reconstructed: starting from its origin in PEFC-certified forests, through all subsequent steps along the production process. A sort of chain is created that allows the company to keep track of the path taken by raw materials and semi-finished products (all certified according to PEFC standards) all the way to retailers, traders, and finally to the end customer.

Links on the topic of FSC and the environment:

– What is FSC certification?
What is PEFC certification?

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