Berti Flooring at Vintage Festival 2014 with two interactive parquet floors!
Berti Wooden Flooring & Vintage Festival: a winning combination repeated again!
For the second consecutive year with our parquets we will be a partner of the most important Italian event promoting vintage culture, namely the Vintage Festival in Padua (at the Centro Culturale San Gaetano in via Altinate) scheduled from September 12 to 14, 2014 and this year in its fifth edition and which could count on the presence of 35,000 people in 2013!
This is a prestigious and unique event that stems from a love and strong passion for all that is “past” but always with a focus on the everyday and especially on future innovations: a mood that is really close to what is the vision and philosophy of Berti Pavimenti Legno and that is precisely why we wanted to embrace it.

Last year we had exhibited with a series of innovative parquet floors, giving an additional touch of originality and style to the Festival, this year, however, it was decided to multiply the creative effort (and also the fun!) by offering two different performances right in the middle of the agora hosting the exhibitors, where our parquet floors will be united in a virtuous circle with the playful spirit of some games with a decidedly vintage flavor.
Many of you will undoubtedly remember Twister, the famous box game that originated in the mid-1960s in the United States and became famous in the 1980s in Italy, thanks in part to advertising on TV. It is a game with a series of colored dots placed on top of a cloth that forces us to contort ourselves together with our friends to reach the position. On the occasion of the Vintage Festival, we thought of reintroducing it even in a parquet version, thus emphasizing theexperientiality and quality of the game.

In addition to the Twister, we then came up with a second idea, taking the famous “Face Hole” present in the circus since the 1950s and later taken up in contemporary imagery as well. It involves inserting one’s face inside a silhouette, thus appearing within a fantasy situation. For the occasion, we created a drawing on a wall (all strictly made of wood) depicting a cello player. The optical effect is striking, artistic and fun!