Berti Flooring and the Chinese market between new trends and cultural melting pots
Made In Italy continues more and more to gain acclaim and expand its market in the Asian continent and especially in China. New frontiers have been opened for some time for Berti Pavimenti ‘s signature parquet floors as well, building specific know-how and products dedicated to local aesthetic and cultural needs.
Thus was born a melting pot cultural and artistic, or métissage to use a French term as elegant as it is centered, where Made In Italy is thus revisited and happily contaminated. This is not just the traditional mantra that has guided the philosophy of “think globally and act locally” for two decades now, but an even stronger and more tangible development of a savoir faire and a purely Italian craftsmanship that nonetheless observes, studies and panders to a taste, style and lifestyle completely different from our own.

The wood species most commonly used for the products we were commissioned by our Chinese partners were oak, walnut, maple, cherry and violet. Among the most appreciated finishes we certainly mention those of the LUXE line, historically one of the historical cornerstones of Berti Pavimenti productions, which denotes a particular but very well oriented and decisive taste.
But let’s take a closer look at what the Chinese like, what they buy, and why.
Much attention is paid to “Made in Italy” and Italian brands, as they stand for creativity, good quality and perfect craftsmanship. In fact, Chinese consumers perceive our brands as a symbol of high status and well-being. Some times an interesting approach to localize the brand is to choose to translate the whole name into Chinese while keeping the colors, font and pictogram unchanged so as not to lose recognizability.
To enter the Chinese market, it is important to understand the cultural and social aspects. Already on colors there are some important differences: white is associated with death (totally opposite to the Western meaning of purity), purple with love, and red as a symbol of joy, used in times of celebration and success.
In terms of color trends, we can talk about “Tuhao jin” (golden color), which is becoming a distinguishing design element in modern China. Just the golden color of theiPhone 5s became immediately admired, and has had many applications in the design world.
The use of golden and purple color is used to symbolize grandeur, opulence and royalty. However, the minimalist style is developing steadily, favoring clean and essential design.
Speaking instead of design, we see how the “technical design” is conceived as a process with certain steps, and today this type of design is considered an ideal model for many young Chinese designers. In reality, however, the Chinese business model has a superficial conception of design; when a strategy is developed, the key element is sales orientation.
However, the Western design approach is strongly accepted and practiced, especially in creative communities people are familiar with international trends.
The Chinese upper class directs consumption more toward the living space and bedroom, the most popular products are in fact: beds, closets and sofas. The quality factor is crucial, in addition especially young educated consumers with an international background are focusing on ecofriendly materials.
It may sound strange but China is gradually becoming a global leader in green and sustainable design, Chinese companies are increasingly using eco-friendly materials and energy efficiency measures, bamboo for example is used a lot.
According to Feng Shui, doors and windows should not be opposite each other, include some red-colored elements, create as much brightness as possible, and purify the air with plants. The Chinese also seek distinctive elements to find forms of individualism by customizing the products they buy.
So a rather elaborate and complex picture but at the same time fascinating and full of suggestions but above all of new and flourishing economic opportunities where we are reaping satisfaction with continuity. Our wish is to continue to persevere along this happy path.