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Berti conquers Baku with its parquet floors-again!

This is a really important and rewarding period for Berti Pavimenti Legno and its parquet floors thanks to two events in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

Already in the past, this city has reserved numerous joys for the company. In fact, Berti parquets, back in 2009, were chosen for the National Theatre of Music Comedy, the nation’s largest cultural center.

For years Berti has been closely linked with this city . The experience in the Azerbaijani land we are telling you about saw us as guests-along with more than one hundred architects and designers-at theHyatt Regency Hotel. The event began with an important meeting of insiders, including Mosaic+ and Mondo Marmo, other representatives in the world of excellence “Made in Italy“. (On Facebook the full gallery of the event).

Italian Ambassador Giampaolo Cutillo was also present for the occasion, and he attended the presentation of Berti’s revamped product line, including the prestigious collaboration with Diesel within the “Diesel Living“.

The following day continued with another important appointment at the Collezione Italia Luxury Interior showroom, where Berti created an exclusive corner dedicated to its parquet floors and the best proposals of the moment. Also on this occasion, the great turnout and enthusiasm confirmed the esteem for Berti parquet floors by the public from all over the world.

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