Berti Advises: clean and maintain hardwood floors as on the day of purchase
Berti wants to follow you step by step and take you by the hand through the tips and tricks we are spreading in the column Berti Advises. After you choose your Berti or Berti Studio parquet floor and install it in your home, you will get lost in admiring its quality and beauty. And as a responsible consumer, as we all are a bit nowadays, you will begin to wonder and want to keep your wood floor in the same condition all the time. How, then, do you maintain your wood floor as if it were always new?

Daily cleaning of prefinished parquet is not demanding, since it is a durable floor that does not require special care. This is because a varnished prefinished parquet floor has received a special surface finish treatment, which is an absolute guarantee of remarkable hardness and resistance to wear and dirt. For a wooden floor to remain beautiful over time, it is sufficient to remove the dust that settles daily and wipe the surface occasionally with a damp, well-wrung cloth. To moisten the mop, in addition to plain water, you can also add a few drops of neutral detergent for wood floors. These quick and easy steps will be enough to have a sanitized parquet floor that will stand the test of time.

From time to time you will feel the need for more maintenance than just routine cleaning. We usually, as manufacturers, advise against the use of overly invasive products, which very often have the only result of creating a layer over the wood floor that accentuates halos and takes away from the wood’s natural appearance. To meet the need of wanting to revive the varnish, it is important to employ appropriate products, recommended and sold directly by the store where you made your purchase.

A particularly delicate aspect concerns theuse ofalcohol: it may seem like an innocent method of cleaning and disinfecting; but instead, it is very important to pay attention to the percentage of alcohol used because you risk attacking and irreparably ruining the varnish of the parquet. For this reason Berti recommends using a minimum alcohol concentration so as to avoid any kind of damage.